How do I meet the residency requirement to apply for a concealed handgun license issued by my County?

You may apply for a concealed handgun license in your County by meeting one of the residency requirements as stated in ORS 166.291(9): Possess a current Oregon driver’s license showing a residence in the County in which you apply. Be registered to vote in that County and have a precinct memorandum card showing a residence [...]

By |2016-06-13T18:21:26+00:00June 13th, 2016||0 Comments

What are the requirements for obtaining a concealed handgun license in the State of Oregon?

You must apply for a concealed handgun license in the county in which you reside. 1. Be a U.S. citizen, or a legal alien who can document continuous residency in the United States for at least six months and has declared, in writing, to the INS your intent to acquire citizenship (Form N300). 2. Be [...]

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